Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Air Force adds cyberwarfare basis to training

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - The Air Force will sight all new recruits in the basis of cyberwarfare and supplement some-more modernized drill for others to assistance fight the flourishing hazard of attacksU.S. computer networks, a tip commander in chief pronounced Monday.

Four-star Gen. Robert Kehler pronounced sum are still being worked outa cyberwarfare member for simple training, but it would be brief, maybe an hour or dual total, and would cover usually the fundamentals.

A some-more advanced, undergraduate-level precision module will proceed in Jun to sight officers and enlisted crew for a new Air Force career margin in cyber operations, Kehler said.

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He likened it to existent undergraduate precision for pilots, navigators, barb operators and space operators.

Kehler, who heads the Air Force Space Command at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, spoke to the annual National Space Symposium and in a apart interview. The Space Command oversees the Air Forces cyberwarfare operations.

Kehler pronounced the simple precision member would cover such simple precautions as utilizing firewalls and passwords.

"We learn them at simple precision fundamentals of an M-16 (rifle), for example, and an M-9 (pistol), and so we wish them to know the fundamentals of the computer network that they"re going to be handling in," he said.

The some-more modernized precision will last 6 months and embody skills now taught to communications operators and one some-more skills in computer networks and vulnerabilities. That will be followed by some-more specific training.

The initial category will embody about sixteen officers. Kehler pronounced multiform sessions are programmed each year since the Air Force will need to furnish about 400 officers annually with skills in cyberwarfare.

They will be reserved jobs opposite the Air Force, together with the 24th Air Force, formed in Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, a member of the Space Command obliged for cyberwarfare and Air Force computer networks.

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